Invention over intention.
Isn't it amazing just how easily my intentions have changed?
So, yeah. That cool little never-ending cycle of complex conversations you may have just witnessed between a creator and their creation? That's not even the half of it. If you, for whatever godawful reason, decided to read through the entirety of the "ABOUT" page that welcomed you at the beginning of this anthology, then you know already that the stories being collected are, in fact, simply linked within each of those pages. Hopefully you've already read a few and found the context within to be intellectually and emotionally stimulating, but if not, now's the time. If you've already read through all of my collected stories, you may want to go through the absolute torture of looking at them again here, in their new, compromised form. What you find might just surprise you. Oh, and do be sure to leave a comment or two, will you?